Glenroyd Medical

Glenroyd Medical (Whitegate Drive)

Lines open 8.00am to 6.30pm

Test results

If your test results come back normal or okay, we do not usually contact you as there is nothing to worry about. If your results are out of range and require a follow-up, we will invite you to book an appointment for a review. This will usually be through a self-bookable appointment link sent through Patchs. If your test reveals anything urgent, a healthcare professional will contact you directly and discuss the next steps.

You can view your test results online through the NHS app (as long as you have requested access to your ‘Patient Facing Services’). To request your online services, please contact the practice either via an admin request on Patchs or by telephone at 01253 201688.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 9th July, 2024