The Practice is a training Practice. All training practices must be accredited in order to ensure that the highest standards are maintained. This accreditation is carried out by doctors from the North West Deanery and, on occasion, by members of the Joint Committee of Postgraduate Education for General Practice (JCPTGP). The JCPTGP sets the standards for all GP training posts in the UK and carries out a programme of accreditation visits to all areas in the UK to ensure that its standards are being met.
During an accreditation visit, a sample of patient records are inspected. All the people looking at the records are bound by the strictest rules of “confidentiality: Protecting and Providing Information” and the inspection is limited to a verification process to ensure the practice is compliant to the required standards.
Any patient may object to the whole, or any part, of the inspection of their own records and their objection will be respected.
The Practice undertakes training of Foundation Year 2 doctors, GP registrars. This means these qualified Doctors spend 4-18 months with the Practice undertaking further training.
You may also occasionally be asked if you would allow a medical student to be present during your consultation with your GP. You may refuse without affecting your care at the Practice.